Tuesday, June 20, 2006


tumble Upon has been expanding recently. I've been using it to look round the Web to see what's been going on while I've been concentrating on other things, and the range of sites it covers seems to have grown enormously in the past few months. It used to offer up same sites over and over again, but now there are very few repetitions.

In amongst all the dross and stuff that I'm not interested in, I've found a couple of intruiging games. Firstly, the telescope game. Initially, the site I found coyly refused to say where the game was from, but after you solve the first fifteen levels, it takes you to the website for Dyson vacuum cleaners where you can download the whole thing and try many more levels.

Secondly, there's a marble in a maze game, but the twist is that you have to manouever several marbles simultaneously to the targets, which means you have to trap some ball in corners so that they don't move while others do.

Finally, there is peculiar Godtower, where you have to interpret cryptic clues to discover passwords. I've been keeping hold of for a while because although there are apparently many levels and hidden levels to this, plus a whole second game, I'm embarassed to say that it took me a long time even to get past the first level. Now on Level 12, I've managed to access some of the preceding levels only through hints provided on message boards elsewhere. Still, it's completely different from anything else around. Can you do any better?


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