Friday, December 23, 2005

Lost Worlds

n Tuesday I wrote about my difficulties with my blog's theme of Loss. They probably arise from the combination of not wanting to write anything deeply personal and my fortunate postion in not having lost much in my life.

In that light, adopting the theme that I did now seems like a poor decision. I still find my eye caught by the word 'lost', however, so it was almost with a sense of duty that I used the BBC website 'Listen Again' facility to hear the first part of this week's Book of the Week: 'Lost Worlds: What Have We Lost and Where Did it Go?' by Michael Bywater, read by Stephen Fry.

I enjoy Stephen Fry in QI , but somehow the broadcast left me cold. Almost in desperation, I turned to Amazon and used for the first time their 'Look Inside' feature, where you can read a few pages of the book.

This was far better, as the writing was much more enticing (and a good example of how Amazon, as a Web 2.0 site, sets itself apart from its competitors). The price of the book has been reduced to £3.99, so I may well invest in the physical version rather than the time-limited virtual one. The glimpse given already, however, suggests that Mr Bywater has tackled the subject far better than I could ever hope to, so I may just abandon the blog's theme, and continue writing on anything that grabs my attention.


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