Wednesday, March 08, 2006

"Time Goes By. So Slowly" - Madonna

ersonally, I disagree with Madge as much as it's possible to do. I can't believe how ridiculously fast it disappears. Heartless and relentless, that's what it is, and distressingly hypnotic. I pointed some good clocks out to you a while ago. Here are some more.

The first is based on bar codes, while the second is someone constantly writing numbers then erasing them. The third is a simple design with changing curves linking the hands.


At 1:31 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wher do you find this wonderful clock - each of them doing the same job - yet the writing hand is wildly frenetic and the curves utterly hypnotic. Have you been watching the "Time" series on BBC4?

At 1:33 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I meant to say - "where do you find this wonderful stuff?". Brain running ahead of increasingly stiff and painful fingers I'm sad to say....

At 6:31 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too much time on his hands?

Sorry! Couldn't resist!


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